To err, they say, is human but to forgive is divine. What if you do not know you have erred? Should you expect forgiveness? Oh......... Me thinks there's a contradiction there.
Have you ever offended someone without realising it at the time that you have then upon the sudden realisation, you feel like the biggest fool ever? Does that line even make sense?
Here i am posting directly to my blog, no MS Word or even Notepad. Straigth from the heart to the Web. lol
Now i'm rambling.....
Wait o..... thats what this blog is all about-My Ramblings.
When your fingers are faster than your brain, u write shit then realise what it was when it hits you in the face.
When your brain is faster than your finger, you forget what you are to type before the thought finishes in you brain.
Am i making any sense?
OK Benny, cool down....... Take a deep breath in..........and out....................You know what....Listen to music..
Now i'm back.
*where is a smiley when i need one?*
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